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UK recruitments

We are recruiting in the UK!

Granlund Group has a subsidiary Greenfield Nordic in the United Kingdom, which is now expanding and looking for new experts in the energy sector.

Great opportunity in the energy sector

Greenfield is now recruiting two new experts: Junior Project Engineer/Consultant and Technical Project Manager/Heat Network Consultant. As part of a networked business model, the roles are intended to be online/home-based but with access to office hubs, where this is helpful or required.

We are offering an opportunity to join an international advisory business supporting the development of heat networks in the UK, a market that is set to grow through the transition from fossil-fuel heating solutions.

We are looking for candidates with drive, enthusiasm and excellent communication and project management skills, underpinned by a strong understanding of energy engineering, particularly around low carbon heat and heat networks.

Read more about the open vacancies on Greenfield Nordic web site

Read more about Granlund Group in the UK

For additional information please contact

Robert Clark

Granlund UK
