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AI energy benchmark

Granlund Manager AI Benchmark helps to compare your portfolio’s energy consumption

The new AI feature in Granlund Manager provides you with comprehensive benchmark data: how energy-efficient is your property compared to other similar properties?

Comprehensive comparison at the press of a button

Granlund Manager introduces an AI-based tool that allows you to compare your property portfolio’s energy consumption at a national level. Until now, conducting a similar analysis has been quite laborious. The data basis has not been very extensive, as the number of comparable properties available has typically been very limited.

If you are a property owner with an office building portfolio and want to compare it to others, conducting a comprehensive comparison has been extremely laborious until now. Now, comprehensive benchmarking of energy efficiency at a portfolio level is done with just a click in Granlund Manager based on very extensive benchmark data.

Granlund Manager AI Benchmark tool clearly shows properties whose energy consumption significantly differs from other benchmarks.

Energy data of different building types in a comparable format

Granlund Manager AI Energy Benchmark provides you with high-quality data in a comparable format. You can quickly see how well your property portfolio compares to other similar properties.

The benchmark data consists of energy consumption data from tens of thousands of buildings in Granlund Manager. All consumption data is completely anonymized, and the AI energy benchmark does not reveal information about individual properties or customers.

There are more than 30 building types based on the official classification of Statistics Finland. The list includes schools, offices, commercial buildings, and healthcare buildings, among others.

Using comprehensive benchmark data, you can compare, for example, a school building’s energy consumption to other similar buildings and identify any deviations compared to others.

The benchmark tool also takes into account the weather conditions in different parts of the country; the heating demand is higher and the heating season is longer in Rovaniemi than in Hanko. This way, property portfolios in different parts of the country can be genuinely compared with each other.

Assistance for property management

The graph in the Granlund Manager AI Benchmark tool clearly shows properties whose energy consumption significantly differs from other benchmarks. Such properties require measures to improve energy efficiency.

This feature enables easy data-driven management and helps target resources towards the right areas. When data is presented clearly, it is easy to justify future changes and repair needs.

Based on the data, it is also easy to determine the level to aim for if, for instance, achieving a national average situation is desired.

You can quickly see how well your property portfolio compares to other similar properties.

Granlund Manager AI Features

  • AI Energy Benchmark
  • Smart alarms
  • Consumption and cost forecast


Topi Korpela

Chief Commercial Officer (CCO)
Granlund Oy

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