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The productivity of the real estate and construction sector must be improved

We want to bring the productivity of the sector to a level that we can all be proud of. We have the recipes for this and change is already underway!

Productivity requires new solutions

The slow increase in productivity in the construction and real estate sector has been attributed to the fragmentation of the production chain and the sector’s limited investments in research and development, among other factors. Also, the fact that construction projects are unique in part explains the challenges of increasing the efficiency of production. The processes and final product of construction have developed, but the indicators of productivity do not follow this trend in the big picture.

New business models, refined collaboration, modern IT solutions and strong lifecycle management models are needed. We respond to the challenges of productivity by developing our services that use digital solutions, for example – however, it is not only the digital solution that is important, but the whole process around it.

Improving productivity is a common challenge for the sector as a whole, and fortunately it has already been addressed. A good example is the Finnish Building 2030 consortium, in which Granlund is involved. The vision it has developed aims to prepare for future changes in the sector, such as digitalisation, urbanisation and climate change, and to ensure that construction business will continue to be sustainable in the future.

The recipe for a more productive real estate and construction sector

  • Get the data flowing
  • Apply the principles of Lean methods
  • Increase cooperation and reduce sub-optimisation
  • Focus resources on the right issues at the right time
  • Take advantage of digital solutions
  • Scale activities whenever possible
  • Put quantitative data into use and base scheduling and cost control on it
  • Link construction and maintenance processes better
  • Manage properties with data

More productive construction projects, please!

One of the challenges in our industry is making the same errors many times, as errors are only discovered afterwards, and learning does not lead to continuous improvement. Modern design systems and efficient optimisation models are getting rid of this in design.

Urgency and fear of increased risks, however, decrease the willingness to change old habits, even if more efficient and functional solutions exist. Lean construction tools, collaboration and digitalisation provide opportunities to increase the productivity of projects in a safe way.

The application of Lean principles can result in significant savings in construction projects. Identifying and eliminating non-productive resources is at the core of our Lean strategy. We have gained good experience in Lean models in designing hospitals and other healthcare services, for example.

We have developed a project management service that is particularly well-suited for buildings in which MEP design play a major role. We can coordinate the implementation of the entire project so that it is kicked off, proceeds and is completed cost-efficiently on schedule, with the set lifecycle indicators verified in the use phase.

Schedule management improves productivity

Coordinating the schedules of different parties is challenging in construction projects. Even though each construction project is unique, we believe that better optimisation and pacing of schedules is possible.

We want to introduce the same kind of data-based models as the ones we use in design to scheduling and cost management. For example, quantity data of MEP design is the basis of both schedules and costs, but its use often plays a minor role in the contract calculation and implementation phase.

We believe that the developer’s quantity surveying would almost always be the best solution in contract calculations and it should also be used more often in MEP design as well. In addition, management of different implementation options and tools is needed, such as the Last Planner method that complements normal scheduling control by making it more systematic and visual.

We offer useful consulting and training services that make operations more efficient

Scalable solutions make production more efficient

Buildings are designed to last for a long time. Each building is individual, but there are also parts that can be reproduced using the same logic and standards. Developing the scalability of building solutions helps to design and implement premises more efficiently without increasing resources.

We have been involved in the development of premises, technology and implementation concepts of many organisations that own and use properties. Through these concepts, it is possible to significantly improve the efficiency of operations while producing individual solutions by means of “mass customisation”.

We have the insight and expertise to assess when and how productisation and the scaling of solutions is reasonable and improves productivity. Read about the scalable energy recycling system we implemented for the Finnish retail chain K Group .

Getting commissioning backup in order

Ensuring the functionality of engineering systems in the commissioning phase has a direct impact on the productivity of a building. It is considerably more affordable to perfect the MEP design before the building is put into use than to fix shortcomings along the way, when the users already occupy the premises.

Cost control increases transparency and productivity

It is important to evaluate, calculate and steer the development of costs impartially throughout the construction project. Cost control helps to control the total costs of a construction project from the very beginning of the project. We control the development of costs through cost estimates and cost and lifecycle calculations. Our cost control services make it possible to ensure that the budget is followed and the project remains under control, while supporting productivity.

Energy efficiency is a service for the environment and finances

We have been promoting energy efficiency since the 1960s, even though it was not fashionable at the time. Nowadays, energy efficiency and environmental responsibility are an integral part of all construction and property management. Improving energy efficiency is clearly reflected in the carbon emissions of buildings, which supports the carbon neutrality goals and and is also directly reflected in the value of the buildings.

Granlund’s energy management services are aimed at property owners interested in making their properties more economical, valuable and environmentally responsible as well as improve their indoor conditions.

Systematic energy monitoring and active development measures directly reduce energy consumption and achieve obvious savings – usually with zero investment.

Energy efficiency projects provide solid results

In energy-intensive sectors in particular, energy efficiency is a prerequisite for profitable business. Data centers are an excellent example of this. As a leader in the field, we have ensured the energy efficiency, reliability and environmental friendliness of several data centers.

See our data centre references


LUMI is the most energy efficient and ecological supercomputer in the world


, MEP Design


Data centers

The conditions in Northern Finland create the perfect environment for an energy efficient, reliable and lifecycle sustainable data center. The…

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Data centers

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A suitable space was designed for Finland’s first quantum computer


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Data centers

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Supporting you in the energy transition

The energy transition does not only present new challenges, but also, and above all, opportunities that should be seized by all involved in the real estate and construction sector. Our energy consultants offer a wide range of services from the management of individual buildings to increasing the efficiency of entire property portfolios.

We have in-depth expertise in modern energy production solutions and technologies that improve energy efficiency. We can conceptualise and simplify complex things and choose the package from among countless options that best serves you and works now and in the future.

Read about our area-specific energy solutions

AI Energy Survey – leveraging AI for energy efficiency!

AI Energy Survey calculates and simulates the way to achieve the highest energy savings and the extent to which CO2 emissions can be reduced based on the data in the energy certificate.

With AI Energy Survey, you can quickly determine the energy efficiency potential of an individual property or an entire property portfolio.

Read more about AI Energy Survey

Let’s take a productivity leap in property maintenance together

In property management, quality and the productivity of operations are increasingly connected to digital solutions. Decisions that have impacts on the value of properties, operating costs and user comfort should be based on data in addition to experience.

In business intelligence, data is brought to the core of management at all levels of the organisation from senior management to the personnel in charge of property maintenance. Business intelligence provides property maintenance with a completely new kind of systematicness, quality and timeliness. The goal is a property portfolio that provides its users with added value and is easy and affordable to maintain long into the future.

When the process is in order, time is saved and operations become faster when there is no need to look for information from different sources or collect reports from each property separately.

Any deviations can be addressed immediately before they escalate into enormously expensive repair needs.

Our Granlund Manager software is the best tool for the business intelligence and efficient maintenance of properties. The software allows you to digitalise the management of maintenance and service operations, monitor the energy consumption and environmental impacts of your properties, manage documents and generate relevant reports to different target groups.

In addition to digital solutions, business intelligence requires effective processes. Our experience in process development is always at your disposal.

Bring the evidence to the table

We already began to digitalise property data in the 1990s with BIMs and electronic maintenance manuals. Nowadays, our Digital services facilitate business intelligence, optimising the operation of a building or building portfolio, creating more with less

Information about properties is automatically obtained from diverse sensors, energy meters and building automation systems. Sources of data also include data manually input to digital systems, such as maintenance personnel’s records of operations or the condition reviewer’s proposals for larger repair needs.

The amount of data generated is enormous, but it is of no value if it is not processed into a form that serves operations. Our experts will help you to harness property data.

How does smart maintenance differ from conventional maintenance?

Granlund’s digital services

  • Maintenance management system
  • Digital Twin
  • Equipment data management
  • Building information management
  • Property data storage and management environment
  • Integrations

Profitable maintenance and service operations

The process of maintenance management can be continuously improved – and it should evolve with the chosen service model. We help to systematically take over maintenance step by step according to a jointly agreed budget. It is important to allocate repair measures correctly to keep the long-term plan (LTP) up to date, preserve the value of the properties and avoid the maintenance backlog from accruing in an uncontrolled way. When the basics are in order, we can continue the development at a more strategic level.

We also offer technical expertise in the management of maintenance and service networks and support the quality and cost-efficiency of the maintenance of your properties. One of the biggest challenges in managing the service network is the varying quality of service and maintenance. Tenant satisfaction will remain high and the value of the property will be preserved when the service providers stick to the promised quality level and resources of property maintenance.

Would you like discuss the topic in more detail?

Pekka Metsi

Granlund Oy

Our other strenghts


Energy has been at the core of our operations throughout our existence of more than 60 years. We have extended our carbon handprint to the entire lifecycle of properties.


Responsibility is a key part of Granlund’s operations. We can also help you to be one of the good guys: responsibility is incorporated into all of our services.

Data and digitalisation

At Granlund, we believe that data and digital tools serve all real estate and construction sector parties from investors and developers to property users and maintenance staff.

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