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The goal is to be an attractive, open and safe workplace for new and existing Granlund employees. The efforts to build the best possible workplace in 2024 included diversity and equality work, new accessible channels for debate as well as asking employees for their views in a personnel survey. Performance appraisals, training and mentoring were provided to support individual career paths.

The number of employees increased

The number of employees increased to over 1,500 experts during the year. New experts were recruited in line with the strategic goals to strengthen the growth of different businesses. Exit turnover was low (4.5% of permanent staff at Granlund Oy).

Due to the fluctuating market situation, some business units had to hold local change negotiations, following which some employment relationships ended and around 50 experts were laid off full-time or part-time.  

Granlund’s employer brand was actively developed throughout the year, and its reputation as an employer remained good. The career path model was used in target and development discussions.

Training was organised in the internal Granlund Academy, and studying alongside work was supported. 32 theses were completed. The mentoring programme was expanded.

Granlundin henkilömäärä vuoden 2024 lopussa oli 1545.
A record number of recruitments were made in 2024, and Granlund’s personnel grew by more than 100 experts. At the end of the year the number of employees was 1 545.

94% of Granlund employees are satisfied with their workplace

77% of Granlund employees responded to the 2024 personnel survey. The employer received an overall rating of 4.13 (on a scale of 1–5). Granlund employees feel accepted and valued. The culture is seen as being caring and supportive.

An extensive personnel survey is conducted every two years. Due to organisational changes, the autumn 2023 personnel survey was postponed to spring 2024. The overall ratings remained at the same very good level as the previous time in 2021. The personnel highlighted the actions of their immediate supervisors, work atmosphere and tasks as special strengths.

94% of Granlund employees are satisfied with their workplace. Approximately 79% of respondents feel that the training opportunities are good, and flexible working opportunities are appreciated. Remote work also creates challenges, and one of the development areas emerged was improving the flow of information across team boundaries.

The personnel survey highlighted the need for remuneration development, especially from the perspective of openness and fairness. This will be considered in the development work to be started in 2025 in preparation for the national implementation of the Pay Transparency Directive. Attention will also continue to be paid to the development of diverse competence. Strategic communications will be developed as part of the strategy update.

Sentiments regarding the change in ownership base

The eNPS figure measuring employee satisfaction in 2024 was 49, which is at a good level (50 in 2023).

According to both the personnel survey and the monthly employee survey, the working atmosphere remained good, despite the challenging market situation in places, the organisational change implemented last year and the change in Granlund’s ownership base announced at the beginning of the summer.  

The moods caused by the change in the ownership base were regularly monitored in Fiilispulssi, with the score remaining steady at approximately 7 (scale 1–10). The personnel’s concerns were related to the concrete impacts of internationalisation, such as the sufficient competence and language skills.  

Employee satisfaction is measured on a monthly basis with Fiilispulssi. The eNPS (employee Net Promoter Score) of 49 is at a healthy level.

Granlund’s employee satisfaction based on a strong corporate culture

At 94%, the majority of Granlund employees are happy with Granlund as a workplace. On a scale of 1–5, Granlund employees give their workplace a rating of 4.13.

What is the secret to our happy employees?

Neurodiversity included in diversity efforts

The Diversity and Inclusion working group, established the previous year, continued its operations. The main theme for 2024 was increasing awareness on diversity and inclusion.

The Diversity and Inclusion online training was launched in April, and 535 people completed it in 2024. The topic was also discussed on the intranet and at information sessions.

A neurodiversity working group and peer support group were established on the initiative of the personnel. Online training courses were organised on the topic for supervisors and all employees.

A new Diversity and work community development plan was prepared for Granlund in October, covering both the previous equality and non-discrimination plan and the work community development plan.

The aim is to support the Group’s growth, the multilingualism and multiculturalism of the work community and women’s career paths.  

When things kick off at home, flexible work is a lifesaver

Projekti-insinööri Niina Pesonen

Being a parent of a neurominority family sets different parameters for your daily work as well. Project Engineer Niina Pesonen appreciates the flexibility of working and the support of her colleagues.

“In our family, situations can change very quickly, which is why remote work and the ability to flexibly manage my calendar are a real lifesaver for my family,” she says.

The aim of diversity work is to increase awareness of non-discrimination, dispel prejudices and turn the workplace in to a safe space for everyone.

The aim of diversity work is to increase awareness of non-discrimination, dispel prejudices and turn the workplace in to a safer space for everyone. Granlund created new principles of a safer space. The internal campaign related to them will kick off in 2025.

Harassment contact person activities were expanded to include regional offices. In addition, harassment can be reported, for example, to the occupational safety and health committee, supervisor or anonymously through the whistleblowing channel.

The creation of anti-discrimination policies and the planning of new contact channels began during the year. The culture of early involvement and caring was further strengthened. The number of conversations increased, which shows that many people had the courage to get in touch and ask for help.

Granlund also participated in SKOL’s working group on the DEI strategy to promote diversity, non-discrimination and inclusion in the design and consulting industry.  In the double materiality analysis related to CSRD reporting, own personnel were identified as one of the matters material to Granlund. Therefore, the HR department also prepares for reporting.

At the end of 2024, Granlund personnel comprised 77.8% men and 22.2% women. The gender options in Granlund’s HR system are woman, man, other and I don’t want to say. The figures are reported once at least five people have selected an option.

Comparison of the average wages of women and men in accordance with the SKOL personnel categories is carried out every two years. The 2023 salary survey showed that the salaries of women and men are quite similar.

The percentage of women’s income of men’s income by SKOL personnel category (1.1.2023).

See Granlund’s previous annual reports
